2025 Typographer-in Residence: Yara Khoury Nammour
Congratulations to Yara Khoury Nammour, our 2025 Typographer-in-Residence! Yara’s submission was chosen by our selection committee from an unprecedented amount of applications received this year. Yara is a designer, educator, and author from Lebanon, assistant professor of graphic design at the American University of Beirut (AUB), leads the Arabic Type Research Unit focusing on practice-based research. She co-organizes the biennial Mashq conference at AUB working to advance Arabic type and typography (mashqconference.org). She authored Nasri Khattar: A Modernist Typotect (Khatt Books, 2014) and previously served as design director for AlMohtaraf design house in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for
A Visit to Tipoteca in Italy