Effective teaching should be shared, not a secret. This is at the heart of the HMCT Design Educators Typography Intensive (DETI), continuing the legacy of ArtCenter Professor Leah Hoffmitz Milken, who, for over three decades, left her mark on students and future generations of “thinking designers.”
Keynotes were open to the general public with an avid interest in the future of typography and its continuing impact on all communications media. Registered attendees will be exposed to new pedagogies to take back to their classrooms while participating in a real-time classroom setting. Prior to the class starting times, attendees will receive downloadable materials, including syllabi, bibliographies, classroom instructions, and more.
NOTE: Keynote presentation videorecordings are publicly available on the HMCT YouTube channel. Class session recordings are available exclusively to participants as part of their registration.
Keynote presenters included: Gail Anderson, Tega Brain, Draw Down Books (Kathleen Sleboda), Steven Heller, Golan Levin, Lucienne Roberts, David Shaw. Instructors included: Brad Bartlett, Simon Johnston, Pamela Olecki, Stephen Serrato, Kyuha Shim, Roy Tatum.
Visit our DETI website (deti.hmctartcenter.org) for more information.