Designer Nik Hafermaas presented an overview of his work on October 12, 2022. The recording of the event can be found on the HMCT YouTube channel.
Nik is an internationally recognized and awarded artist, designer, and educational leader. He is a passionate advocate for integrated art and design programs across all media formats. During his tenure of 14 years leading the undergraduate and graduate Graphic Design Departments at ArtCenter College of Design, Nik has created a revolutionary transmedia curriculum, by fusing print, packaging, motion, and visual interaction design. In his hometown Berlin, Germany, he initiated ArtCenter Berlin, the school’s European satellite studio for future-forward global collaborations and transdisciplinary programs abroad. While living in California, Nik founded the artist platform Ueberall International, which specialized in exhibitions and art&tech installations converging digital media and spatial experiences. As the Managing Partner Creation at Graft Brandlab in Berlin, an independent agency for future-driven brand solutions, Nik and his team are designing the relationship between groundbreaking technology and being human.
Moderated by Prof. Ty Drake, Faculty Director, Gx|MGx Spatial Graphics and hosted by Prof. Gloria Kondrup, HMCT Executive Director, this webinar presentation was part of our Fall ’22 Speaker Design Series in collaboration with ArtCenter Gx.