Greg Lindy

HMCT is pleased to announce that the Typographer-in-Residence for 2023 is Greg Lindy (LuxTypo). For over two decades, Greg has been involved in teaching classes and workshops in the field of typography and type design. Currently teaching Font Design at ArtCenter, Greg works with students to explore the communicative possibilities within typeface design while preparing them to create fonts suitable for publishing. This personal mission led him to begin design of a digital foundry that will potentially provide a platform for ArtCenter students, alumni, and faculty to publish their fonts. HMCT is excited to provide Greg with a residency in our space during the month of October where he will work towards building the foundry with Residency Fellow Josiah Tersieff.



The HMCT (South Campus) Gallery is free and open to the public. It is accessible when school is in term, seven days a week from 9 AM to 7 PM. The Storefront Gallery, located within the Center, is also free and open to the public most weekdays from 10 AM to 4 PM. (We advise you to call ahead to make sure the Storefront Gallery is open, 626-396-4343 ).


950 South Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, California 91105