Ann Suerto [work samples above] is a graphic designer, an architecture-school dropout, furniture enthusiast, food-critic wannabe and an expert in Los Angeles culture. She earned a BFA in Liberal studies with a minor in biology from California State University in Los Angeles before attending ArtCenter. She struggled to find creative outlets, so she studied architecture for two years and landed a job at a multidisciplinary design firm which exposed her to the world of modern furniture. Being surrounded by design-school graduates, she finally pursued her dream of attending ArtCenter’s Graphic Design Program.
Ann is the ultimate Martha Stewart fan. Just like Martha, she is an expert in cooking, entertaining and decorating. She travels extensively, constantly looking for secrets in local food and culture. She has worked at a soda shop for 10 years, and can tell where you’re from based on the soda pop you know. She entertains in the form of creating clubs like the Graphic Design Social Club, which networks graphic designers with people from around the world. She also started Art Center’s very first Filipino club which features Filipino designers and uses food as a cultural bridge to open conversation. She held the position of Art Center’s student government coordinator of events for the last two years holding memorable parties to alleviate overall stress for students and staff. Ann’s expertise is connecting people. Her designs constantly shine a light on less-known cultural practices.
WORKING WITH HMCT’s 2020 Typographer-in-Residence
HMCT asked Ann to describe what it’s been like to work with Joshua Trees, Yvan Martinez, and Krister Olsson, who served collectively as this year’s Typographer-in-Residence.
Working with them on their project, Public Foundry, was amazing, but unfortunately cut short due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Initially, it was intimidating to know I’d be working with Yvan and Josh, who founded Books from the Future, who produce and publish self-initiated research on contemporary culture and experimental communication. Josh was also the instructor to instructors I admire. Then I find out there’s Krister, a sculptor with a computer science background? I was so out of my league…
But after meeting them and understanding how they operate, I was put at ease and was even more mesmerized by their project. I felt so involved and they made me feel like I was part of the team instead of a student observing. I can’t state how much fun its been researching LA’s underrepresented typography. I found myself driving around LA looking for Filipino hand-written signs, seeing matchboxes of gay clubs, finding a skinhead’s artwork, and being introduced to the Science Fantasy Society. I can’t wait to complete my documentation of their work.
—Ann Suerto, May, 2020