Meet HMCT 2021 Typographer-in-Residence Jamina Gamio at our In Conversation session with HMCT Executive Director, Gloria Kondrup, on Tuesday, February 23, 1–2 PM (PST).
Gamio’s research topic is on one of the world’s primary language families, Quechua, spoken in the Andean region of South America by almost 10 million people. Gamio is researching its remaining influence on Peruvian Spanish, specifically to the Ribereño dialect.
The Typographer-in-Residence program embeds artists, designers, researchers, and educators in the Center for a six-week period. The residency offers the opportunity to further investigate the importance and relevance of language and typography. Due to COVID-19, the 2021 Typographer-in-Residence will be virtual. This format has enabled the HMCT to invite five international designers, typographers, and researchers to participate in Mujeres Hispanas y Tipografía, a program that highlights the talent and creativity of Hispanic women.
SAVE THE DATE: Final Presentations
International Women’s Day
March 8, 2021 @ 12–2 PM (PST)
More information on Mujeres Hispanas y Tipografía here.