Mujeres Hispanas y Tipografía: International Women’s Day

The HMCT Typographer-in-Residence program hosts designers, artists, and educators who are investigating new ideas through their professional practice or personal research. Their work reinforces the importance and relevance of typography and language in visual communication. For 2021, HMCT invited five internationally based Hispanic designers, typographers, and researchers to explore diverse areas of interest: Laura Meseguer (Spain) Lettering & Type Design, Jimena Gamio (Peru/Los Angeles) Lettering [Sign Painting] & Typography, Marina Garone (México) Researcher & Historian, Sandra García & Dafne Martínez (Tipastype) (Colombia/México) Calligraphy & Type Design. For more information on their individual projects, click here.

All five participants addressed the results of their residency via webinar presentation on International Women’s Day March 8, 2021, 12–2 PM [PST], now available on the HMCT YouTube channel. The publication of a bilingual catalog documenting their research will be available late spring, 2021.




The HMCT (South Campus) Gallery is free and open to the public. It is accessible when school is in term, seven days a week from 9 AM to 7 PM. The Storefront Gallery, located within the Center, is also free and open to the public most weekdays from 10 AM to 4 PM. (We advise you to call ahead to make sure the Storefront Gallery is open, 626-396-4343 ).


950 South Raymond Avenue
Pasadena, California 91105